Website intended for professional users with knowledge or professional experience that enable the use of SmartFlags for their intended purpose.

I declare that:

Education in thought
"work smart" rules

Knowledge, practice and experience
i.e. events, webinars, publications

(01.) You can read about SmartFlag in the articles

A systematic review of factors impacting intraoral scanning accuracy in implant dentistry with emphasis on scan bodies

International Journal of Implant Dentistry
Dr. Peter Gehrke

Download PDF

Scanbodies: la impresión digital llega a la Implantología

Gaceta Dental
Dr Giuliano Fragola

Read article

Rekonstrukcja implantoprotetyczna bezzębnego pacjenta stałym mostem all-on-X

Digital iQ
dr n. med. Grzegorz Wasiluk

Download PDF

(02.) Archived webinars

Digital protocol for all-on-x restorations using SmartFlag
Digital protocol for all-on-x restorations using SmartFlag

April 25, 2024 | 9:00 PM (CEST)

Join us for a free webinar that will introduce you to the world of full-arch restorations performed in fully digital protocols using SmartFlag

The webinar will cover key aspects of working in a fully digital protocol, such as:
– proper selection of scan bodies
– scanning techniques
– choice of restorations to achieve predictable prosthetic reconstruction results

2 hours of knowledge

Registration required. Reserve your free spot now!

Watch webinar

(03.) Upcoming webinars

No upcoming webinars

Dr n. med. Grzegorz Wasiluk - koordynator naukowy w APOLLO IMPLANT COMPONENTS

Od kilku lat ściśle współpracuje z Apollo Implant Components będąc jednocześnie jej pierwszym Key Opinion Leaderem. Uczestniczył w rozwoju projektu cyfrowych scanbody do prac pełnołukowych - SmartFlag by Apollo od strony klinicznej. Jest koordynatorem do spraw edukacji i badań klinicznych.

Absolwent Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego oraz były pracownik Katedry i Zakładu Protetyki i Implantoprotetyki Stomatologicznej Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego.

W 2016 roku uzyskał tytułu doktora nauk medycznych na Uniwersytecie Medycznym w Białymstoku broniąc rozprawy pt. „Ocena obecności cementu na koronach i łącznikach indywidualnych wykonywanych w technologii CAD/CAM”.

(04.) Archive events

No upcoming events

Submit order Book a demo

Temporary restoration for immediate loading of implants.

Milled or printed

Case no. 1

Case no. 1

Protocol 01/ If you have a printer or milling machine
in your clinic, and your CAD designer
prepares the design online.

01 / Dentist

Do the intraoral scans using Scanbody SmartFlag and send them to the laboratory.

02 / Technician

Download the library containing Scanbody SmartFlag and Multi Titanium Base. Make sure to use proper library for chosen length S/M/L while using Multi Titanium Base.

03 / Technician

Design the restoration using received scans and downloaded library.

04 / Technician

Send the design to the Dentist.

05 / Dentist

Print or mill the restoration based on the design received from the Technician.

06 / Dentist

Adjust Multi Titanium Base by cutting it to the proper length (S/M/L) adapted to the design and attach them to the restoration.

07 / Dentist

Screw the restoration into the patient’s mouth intraoperatively.

Protocol 02/ If you have a lab in your clinic or
you cooperate with local technician.

01 / Dentist

Do the intraoral scans using Scanbody SmartFlag and send them to the laboratory.

02 / Technician

Download the library containing Scanbody SmartFlag and Multi Titanium Base. Make sure to use proper library for chosen length S/M/L while using Multi Titanium Base.

03 / Technician

Print or mill the restoration based on the prepared design. Adjust Multi Titanium Base by cutting it to proper length (S/M/L) adapted to the design and attach them to the restoration.

04 / Technician

Hand over the final restoration to the Doctor.

05 / Dentist

Collect the case from the technician and screw it into the patient’s mouth intraoperatively.



Required components

Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

Multi Titanium Base

Multi Titanium Base

Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°

Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°

Libraries CAD/CAM

Full-contour structure on multi-unit abutments using Multi Titanium Base.

Materials: PMMA/PEEK/ZrO₂

Case no. 2

Case no. 2


01 / Dentist

Do the intraoral scans using Scanbody SmartFlag and send them to the laboratory.

02 / Technician

Download the library containing Scanbody SmartFlag and Multi Titanium Base. Make sure to use proper library for chosen length S/M/L while using Multi Titanium Base.

03 / Technician

Mill the structure by yourself or in a milling centre recommended by APOLLO (try-in is recommended before the final restoration).

04 / Technician

Adjust Multi Titanium Base by cutting it to proper length (S/M/L) adapted to the design.

05 / Technician

Complete the prosthetic work on the structure according to the dentist’s order.

06 / Technician

Attach the adjusted Multi Titanium Base to the restoration and hand it over to the dentist.

07 / Dentist

Collect the restoration from the technician and screw it into the patient’s mouth.

Required components

Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

Multi Titanium Base

Multi Titanium Base

Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°

Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°

One Lock Digital Analog - Jeśli chcesz użyć modelu do protokołu

One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model

Libraries CAD/CAM

Full-contour structure from within multi-unit abutments on titanium bar.

Materials: PMMA/PEEK/ZrO₂

Case no. 3

Case no. 3


01 / Dentist

Do the intraoral scans using Scanbody SmartFlag and send them to the laboratory.

02 / Technician

Download the library for Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO and design the case using received scans.

03 / Technician

Design the structure: titanium and full-contour part at the same time (try in is recommended before final restoration).

04 / Technician

Mill the structure by yourself or in a milling centre recommended by APOLLO.

05 / Technician

Complete the prosthetic work on the structure according to the dentist’s order and hand it over to the doctor’s office.

06 / Dentist

Collect the restoration from the technician and screw it into the patient's mouth.

Required components

Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

One Lock Digital Analog - Jeśli chcesz użyć modelu do protokołu

One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model

Libraries CAD/CAM

Structure for veneering on multi-unit abutments with the usage of Multi Titanium Base/Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°.

Materials: Ti/CoCr/PEEK/ZrO₂
Facing materials: acrylic/composite/ceramics

Case no. 4

Case no. 4


01 / Dentist

Do the intraoral scans using Scanbody SmartFlag and send them to the laboratory.

02 / Technician

Download the library containing Scanbody SmartFlag, Multi Titanium Base / Multi Titanium Base MultiShift 36 and One Lock Digital Analog. Make sure to use proper library for chosen length S/M/L while using Multi Titanium Base.

03 / Technician

Design the structure using received scans and downloaded library.

04 / Technician

Mill the structure by yourself or in a milling centre recommended by APOLLO (try-in is recommended before the final work).

05 / Technician

Adjust Multi Titanium Base by cutting it to proper length (S/M/L) adapted to the design.

06 / Technician

Design a digital model using library for One Lock Digital Analog and print it.

06 / A

Place the One Lock Digital Analog in the model using a dedicated tightening screwdriver.

07 / Technician

Complete the prosthetic work on the structure according to the dentist’s order.

08 / Technician

Attach the adjusted Multi Titanium Base to the restoration and hand it over to the dentist.

09 / Dentist

Collect the restoration from the technician and screw it into the patient’s mouth.

Required components

Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

Multi Titanium Base

Multi Titanium Base

Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°

Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°

One Lock Digital Analog - Jeśli chcesz użyć modelu do protokołu

One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model

Libraries CAD/CAM

Structure for veneering from within multi-unit abutments on titanium bar.

Materials: Ti/CoCr/PEEK/ZrO₂
Facing materials: acrylic/composite/ceramics

Case no. 5

Case no. 5


01 / Dentist

Do the intraoral scans using Scanbody SmartFlag and send them to the laboratory.

02 / Technician

Download the library containing Scanbody SmartFlag and One Lock Digital Analog.

03 / Technician

Design the case using received scans and downloaded library.

04 / Technician

Mill the structure by yourself or in a milling centre recommended by APOLLO ( try-in is recommended before final restoration).

05 / Technician

Design a digital model using One Lock Digital Analog library and print it.

05 / A

Place the One Lock Digital Analog in the model using a dedicated tightening screwdriver.

06 / Technician

Complete the prosthetic work on the structure according to the dentist’s order and hand it over to the doctor’s office.

07 / Dentist

Collect the final restoration from the technician and screw it into the patient's mouth.

Required components

Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

One Lock Digital Analog - Jeśli chcesz użyć modelu do protokołu

One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model

Libraries CAD/CAM

Retention bar for removable restoration on multi-unit abutments.

Materials: Ti

Case no. 6

Case no. 6


01 / Dentist

Do the intraoral scans using Scanbody SmartFlag and send them to the laboratory.

02 / Technician

Download library for Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO and use it to design the bar (try in is recommended before final restoration).

03 / Technician

Mill the bar by yourself or in the milling centre recommended by APOLLO, and deliver the bar to the doctor’s office.

04 / Dentist

Collect the bar from the technician and screw it into the patient's mouth.

05 / Dentist

Complete the protocol in digital or analog way.

Required components

Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

One Lock Digital Analog - Jeśli chcesz użyć modelu do protokołu

One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model

Libraries CAD/CAM

Retention bar for removable restoration using Multi Titanium Base.

Materials: Ti/Zr

Case no. 7

Case no. 7


01 / Dentist

Do the intraoral scans using Scanbody SmartFlag and send them to the laboratory.

02 / Technician

Download library for Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO and Multi Titanium Base / Multi Titanium Base Multishift 36°. Make sure to use proper library for chosen length S/M/L while using Multi Titanium Base.

03 / Technician

Design the bar based on received scans and downloaded library (try-in is recommended before final restoration).

04 / Technician

Mill the bar by yourself or in a milling center recommended by APOLLO.

05 / Technician

Adjust Multi Titanium Base by cutting it to proper length (S/M/L) adapted to the design and attach it to the bar.

06 / Technician

Hand over the bar to the dentist.

07 / Dentist

Collect the bar from the technician and screw it into the patient's mouth.

08 / Dentist

Complete the protocol in digital or analog way.

Required components

Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

Multi Titanium Base

Multi Titanium Base

Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°

Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°

One Lock Digital Analog - Jeśli chcesz użyć modelu do protokołu

One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model

Libraries CAD/CAM

    Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO

    Scanbody SmartFlag

    8 pieces including screw

    Choose the implant system



    1349 €

    Multi Titanium Base

    Multi Titanium Base

    Titanium base including screw

    Choose the implant system



    49 €

    Multi Titanium Base Multishift 36°

    Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°

    Titanium base with angulated screw channel up to 36° including screw

    Choose the implant system



    72 €

    One Lock Digital Analog - Jeśli chcesz użyć modelu do protokołu

    One Lock Digital Analog

    Digital analog

    Choose the implant system



    38 €

    Śrubokręt APOLLO multiSHIFT36°

    multiSHIFT36° Screwdriver

    Screwdriver for angulated screw channel up to 36°




    56 €

    Śrubokręt do One Lock Digital Analog

    Handle for screwdriver

    Handle manufactured by APOLLO compatible with e.g. multiSHIFT36° screwdriver



    56 €

    Śrubokręt do One Lock Digital Analog

    One Lock Digital Analog Screwdriver

    Screwdriver for digital analog



    21 €

    Śruba kliniczna do Multi Titanium Base

    Clinical Screw Muli-unit

    Choose the implant system



    17 €

    Śruba laboratoryjna do Multi Titanium Base

    Laboratory Screw Muli-unit

    Choose the implant system



    17 €

    Śruba kliniczna do przekierowań kąta do 36° do Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°

    Clinical Screw Muli-unit multiSHIFT36°

    Choose the implant system



    21 €

    Śruba laboratoryjnado przekierowań kąta do 36° do Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°

    Laboratory Screw Muli-unit multiSHIFT36°

    Choose the implant system



    21 €

    Scanbody Multi-unit

    Scanbody Multi-unit

    Scanbody with an anti-reflex surface adapted to work with laboratory scanners. It includes an integrated screw that facilitates working.

    Wybierz system implantologiczny



    55 €


     60 €


    Billing data

    Shipping data

    TOTAL: 0

      APOLLO EVENT MISJA: „Sprawdzone, cyfrowe protokóły postępowania w rekonstrukcjach all-on-x”

      to szkolenie prowadzone przez liderów stomatologii cyfrowej w Polsce.

      Podczas szkolenia poznacie Państwo cały przekrój pełnołukowych prac protetycznych, stałych, zdejmowanych oraz tymczasowych.

      Wszystkie algorytmy postępowania oparte będą na technikach w pełni cyfrowych, z użyciem scanbody dedykowanych do prac pełnołukowych - SmartFlag by APOLLO.

      Wykładowcy omówią dobór komponentów i akcesoriów, tak aby w bezpieczny i precyzyjny sposób przeprowadzić leczenie implantologiczne Pacjentów z bezzębiem.

      • cyfrowe planowanie prac
      • techniki skanowania
      • cyfrowe pobieranie pozycji okluzyjnych

      Warsztat praktyczny pozwoli Państwu na sprawdzenie skuteczności proponowanych, cyfrowych algorytmów postępowania, w różnych sytuacjach klinicznych.

      24.05.2024 / Łódź, Hotel PURO

      dr Grzegorz Wasiluk
      lek. dent. Paweł Paszkiewicz


      10:00 – 11:00 Koncepcja SmartFlag by APOLLO

      11:00 - 11:30 Przerwa kawowa

      11:30 – 12:30 Przegląd pełnołukowych rekonstrukcji na implantach - tymczasowe, przykręcane, zdejmowane - dr Grzegorz Wasiluk

      12:30 – 14:00 Techniki skanowania i pobierania danych do prac all-on-x - dr Grzegorz Wasiluk

      14:00 – 14:45 Lunch

      14:45 - 16:15 Sprawdzone protokoły postępowania w rekonstrukcjach pełnołukowych - lek. dent. Paweł Paszkiewicz

      16:15 – 16:45 Przerwa kawowa

      16:45 – 18:30 Smart Show - skanowanie prac all-on-x z użyciem SmartFlag by APOLLO różnymi skanerami wewnątrzustnymi - lek. dent. Paweł Paszkiewicz

      19:00 – 21:00 Kolacja

        1990 zł