Website intended for professional users with knowledge or professional experience that enable the use of SmartFlags for their intended purpose.
I declare that:
Website intended for professional users with knowledge or professional experience that enable the use of SmartFlags for their intended purpose.
I declare that:
Scanbody SmartFlag
8 pieces including screw
Multi Titanium Base
Titanium base including screw
Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°
Titanium base with angulated screw channel up to 36° including screw
One Lock Digital Analog
Digital analog
Scanbody Multi-unit
Scanbody with an anti-reflex surface adapted to work with laboratory scanners. It includes an integrated screw that facilitates working.
multiSHIFT36° Screwdriver
Screwdriver for angulated screw channel up to 36°
Handle for screwdriver
Handle manufactured by APOLLO compatible with e.g. multiSHIFT36° screwdriver
One Lock Digital Analog Screwdriver
Screwdriver for digital analog
Clinical Screw Muli-unit
Laboratory Screw Muli-unit
Clinical Screw Muli-unit multiSHIFT36°
Laboratory Screw Muli-unit multiSHIFT36°
Case no. 1
Required components
Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO
Multi Titanium Base
Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°
CAD/CAM Libraries
Case no. 2
Required components
Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO
Multi Titanium Base
Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°
One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model
CAD/CAM Libraries
Case no. 3
Required components
Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO
One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model
CAD/CAM Libraries
Case no. 4
Required components
Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO
Multi Titanium Base
Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°
One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model
CAD/CAM Libraries
Case no. 5
Required components
Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO
One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model
CAD/CAM Libraries
Case no. 6
Required components
Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO
One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model
CAD/CAM Libraries
Case no. 7
Required components
Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO
Multi Titanium Base
Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°
One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model
CAD/CAM Libraries