Website intended for professional users with knowledge or professional experience that enable the use of SmartFlags for their intended purpose.
I declare that:
Website intended for professional users with knowledge or professional experience that enable the use of SmartFlags for their intended purpose.
I declare that:
for the most popular intraoral scanners and cases
General rules for scanning the SmartFlag
Using SmarFlags with a patient wearing a full denture
General rules for scanning the SmartFlag
Using SmarFlags with Patient wearing screw retained temporary bridge
General rules for scanning the SmartFlag
Using SmarFlags with Patient wearing screw retained temporary bridge
Using SmarFlags with a patient wearing a full denture
Using SmarFlags with Patient wearing screw retained temporary bridge
Using SmarFlags with Patient wearing screw retained temporary bridge
Case no. 1
Required components
Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO
Multi Titanium Base
Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°
CAD/CAM Libraries
Case no. 2
Required components
Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO
Multi Titanium Base
Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°
One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model
CAD/CAM Libraries
Case no. 3
Required components
Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO
One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model
CAD/CAM Libraries
Case no. 4
Required components
Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO
Multi Titanium Base
Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°
One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model
CAD/CAM Libraries
Case no. 5
Required components
Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO
One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model
CAD/CAM Libraries
Case no. 6
Required components
Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO
One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model
CAD/CAM Libraries
Case no. 7
Required components
Scanbody SmartFlag by APOLLO
Multi Titanium Base
Multi Titanium Base multiSHIFT36°
One Lock Digital Analog - in case of using printed model
CAD/CAM Libraries